Ticket 4209

Summary: Munge UID/GID variation across cluster(s)
Product: Slurm Reporter: Lyn <schedulerqueen>
Component: OtherAssignee: Tim Wickberg <tim>
Severity: 4 - Minor Issue    
Priority: --- CC: bpfaff
Version: 17.02.7   
Hardware: Linux   
OS: Linux   
Site: NASA - NCCS Alineos Sites: ---
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Machine Name: CLE Version:
Version Fixed: Target Release: ---
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Description Lyn 2017-10-02 13:33:48 MDT
Hi Clan SchedMD,

After years of building RPMs from source, we are integrating Slurm into a new config management regime. This effort precedes our upcoming install of a new scalable unit ("SCU"), which will run 17.02.7. This SCU will initially exist as a standalone cluster, which will later be integrated with the existing Discover cluster. 

Our old build approach (for the existing cluster) includes some local eccentricities, including non-standard username/groupname and UID/GID pairs for munge. The new config management approach pushes us to use the standard pairs.

We know that, as long as munge has the same key available on all nodes, it doesn't care about the username/groupname or UID/GID of its caller. 

Our question is: does Slurm care about the consistency of username/groupname or UID/GID for munge across the cluster(s)?

Comment 1 Tim Wickberg 2017-10-02 13:45:34 MDT
Just to make sure I'm parsing this correctly. The "munge" uid/gid itself may vary between these systems, and that's what you're asking about here?

That itself should not matter as long as the key is the same. Looking at some of my test boxes, I'm realizing it does vary between hosts and I've never noticed it.

Now... if the uid/gid for "slurm" varies, or that of your users themselves, that'd be something else to discuss.
Comment 2 Lyn 2017-10-02 13:52:23 MDT
Thanks for the mui rapido response, Tim. Yes, you have indeed interpreted my question correctly. Feel free to close this.

Thanks much,
Comment 3 Tim Wickberg 2017-10-02 13:53:30 MDT
Certainly glad to help. Marking resolved.